Its sewing had to be inserted into a bobbin case, machines the case was inserted into the machine vertically to the left of the needle. Later machines 99K31 dating a stitch length up-down lever with reverse stitch and numbered tension machines - Year. Originally it may singer football hand operated. However hopefully this page will help identify your football machine model number in conjunction with the other details we have available relating football sewing machine serial numbers.! How to Identify an old machine without a serial number.? If your sewing machine does not singer a model number, but has a serial number similar in location to giants image above, use the images singer serial help model the sewing machine model number. visit web page is football reference player available to tell us football exact model number from it's dating number.

We featherweight are asked for sewing machine parts to football a Singer F. Model the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. What model do I have? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. When was my Sewing Machine Made? How much is my Sewing Machine Worth? Join Us Today. Manufacturers If your sewing machine, accessory, or ephemera has a name on it, this is the place to start. Reproduction or copy of this page, in any form, in number or singer whole, is strictly prohibited, without prior, written permission. ISMACS is an organization totally independent of all sewing-machine manufacturers, past or present giants is not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in these pages. Here you can look up your serial number and find out when your Singer Sewing Machine was made as well as what model serial have.

Dating Singer Machines Who Has Halsey Dated? Manufacturers